Thursday 12 April 2018

Study Tips for Medical students
Take ptactice Tests:
Find step 1 sample questions that are close to the subject you're studying to familiarize yourself with the material and build the confidence you need  going into the exam.

Limit Study session to 30 minutes or Less:
Cramming is ineffective for 2 reasons: you'll eventually lose focus in one long night of studying, and you'll forget most of the information by the next day. you,ll remember more of the material if you spread your studying out across short, multiple sessions to 30 minutes.

Switch Up Your Study Areas:
This goes against a lot of a advice you may have heard but, according to conginitive research, repeatedly studying in the same place could adversely affect your memory recall. When it's time to take the exam, the new setting might catch you off guard. Switching up the surroundings you study in will help you remember the material regardless of the environment.

Build a Memory Palace:
Think of the information you're memorizing where place suits you. For example, if  you're  studying anatomy, imagine each room as a different organ with all  the components that make it function inside that room. When you're start thinking about what that subject's mansion looks like and you'll have a more concrete vision of the material when you go back to study. During  the test, you'll know what corridors to walk down and what rooms to explore to retrieve the correct answers

Consolidate Notes:
Distilling your previously taken notes can help to improve your analytical skills. To start, figure out which concept can be chunked together, and how to express them in the fewest words possible. Pulling all the information together in one place will help you better grasp of the material and understand how it all fits together. Just be careful: some subjects may be more complex and may not fit neatly into page.

Draw a Map:
If you're a visual learner, consider becoming a knowledge crtographer. Instead of rereading a textbook, take out a big sheet of paper (or several taped together) and plot each element of information as it relates to the rest of it. 
For example, if  you're studying  pathology, you might write down all the possible symptoms, visually marking which clusters of symptoms indicate which disease. When you step back, you'll be able to physicall see how the information relates. By the end of the map, you might discover the burried treasure: a passing score on your exam.


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