Friday 6 April 2018

What is Medical....?
Medical has 2 basic meanings it refers to
1.The science of healing; the practice of the diagnosis,treatment and prevention of disease, and the promotion of health.
2.Medications, drugs, substances used to treat and cure diseases and to promote health.

How to TIME MANAGEMENT for medical student life....?
As crucial as time management is, it is unfortunately something that almost everyone struggles with.
Ironically, our time management skills often fails us when we need it most, resulting in the often heard complaint, 'so much to do, so little time'.
While it may seem like an acceptable excuse, a lack of time management can lead to anxiety, stress and poor sleep habits, all of which ultimately have a damaging effect on our health and performance.
As a medical student, you will often find yourself  juggling numerous activities and multiple deadlines almost everyday with so much to do, tha all 
important time management seems to  be ever-elusive.
 However if you want to excel  in your studies and all those other activities, you have to learn to conquer the beast.

Here are few tips  that will help you manage your time better.....

Tip #1- Use a Weekly Planner:
Use a planner that works best for you, wether it is a computer, notebook or a good old fashioned diary in your planner first enter in important events with rigid timetables such as tests, meetings or special appointments that way , you know what you have sheduled for the week  with one quick galnce and you can shedule all your other smaller, flexible tasks around your important, inflexible events.
Smaller tasks  could include everything from doing homework to making a phone call home or a reminder to watch a favourite television show when sheduling in these tasks, be realistic do not pack every every minute of your day with things to do be realistic prioritize all of the things you need to get done and don't sweat the small stuff.

Tip #2- Set Regular Study Blocks:
Schedule consistent study blocks for the day everyday studying everyday is important but if you decide  to study in between other tasks, you will find that often the time has just flown by and you did not put in enough study time for the day.
Allocate a fixed time everyday to study subject A,  a fixed time to study subjec B and a fixed time to study subject C.
That way you can tick them off your to-do list and enjoy a guilt-free, relaxed evening.

Tip# 3- Try To Be Consistent:
Consistency can play a huge role in helping you stay  on top of things, when you wake up, eat, exercise, sleep at the time same time everyday, it helps your body get into a rhythm instead of  having it adapt constantly it is is hard to have  consistency as a college student but try your best to be a creature of habit being  consistent can help you be more  focused, more energetic and ultimately more efficient.

Tip # 4- Get Rid Of Distractions:
Having your cell phone or your laptop on and within sight can be incredibly distracting.
It is difficult to resist the temptation to read every message or every emails as they come in.
However these can interrupt your train of thought, prevent you from having any quality study time and also result in you taking longer than you would normally need to, to finish your homework or complete your revision.
Get rid of all distractions and you will cut your study time down drastically, giving you more free.


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